This store is 100% embroidered logo items only. This is a more expensive process so please note that there is a $5.95 surcharge for the logo that is not included in the item price. There are t//o user selectable logos choices, one vertical, the other horizontal, which are selected during the check out process. 100 items available with the Club logo ranging from shirts to jackets to bags, and more. The dub does not make a profit from the sale.

Direct Printing technology prints direct-to-fabric with no transfers. Result is a matte image that moves with the garment because the ink is actually embedded in the fabric for ultimate wearable. Over 100 items available ‘with the Club logo. Please note that the FIAT Club America logo is automatically built in to every item ordered and there is no additional cost to the customer for the logo. There are no embroidered items in this store. The club makes a small percentage of profit from the sale.